DSA Regulation

DSA (Digital Services Act) is an EU regulation governing online platforms to create a safer and fairer digital space.

DSA compliance guide – be prepared for the DSA

Since February 17, 2024, digital service providers are required to comply with a comprehensive catalog of obligations set out in the Digital Services Act (DSA). Not sure where to start preparing?

Digital Services Act (DSA) in a Concise Infographic

As of February 17, 2024, the Digital Services Act (DSA) is universally applicable. The DSA relates to almost all entities operating in the digital market. Our law firm brings you a concise infographic on who the DSA applies to and what obligations arise from it.

New Digital Services Act: Scope & Obligations

As of February 17, 2024, the Digital Services Act (DSA) reshapes the online landscape. If you provide digital services, understanding its implications is essential.