
Participation in the Conference “Trends in Payment Systems 2021”

Stuchlíková & Partners spoke together with representatives of the Czech Banking Association, the Ministry of Finance, Mastercard, Komerční banka, and Česká spořitelna at the conference “TRENDS IN PAYMENT SYSTEM 2021”, organized by conforum s.r.o. on 16 February 2021, with a contribution entitled Experience with Obtaining a Payment Licence. In our presentation, we focused mainly on the biggest pitfalls of the licensing process at the CNB and lessons learned from them.

Top 100 Women of the Czech-Slovak Legal Profession

Zuzana Stuchlíková, a partner of our law firm Stuchlíková & Partners was included in the TOP 100 women of the Czech-Slovak legal profession in the category of Telecommunications, Media and IT Law as part of the unique project #PRVNÍCH100LET.

Additional Fines in the Area of Personal Data Protection

The fact that underestimating personal data protection does not pay off has been repeatedly demonstrated by several data giants such as Google, Facebook, or Amazon.

New Reporting Duty for Financial Services Intermediaries

The Czech National Bank (the “CNB”), in accordance with Section 41(3) of Act no. 6/1993 Coll. on the Czech National Bank, as amended, has issued, with effect from 1 January 2021, Decree no. 518/2020 Coll., on the Submission of Information on Financial Services Intermediaries to the Czech National Bank, details for fulfilling the reporting duty at the CNB for financial services intermediaries.

Significant Female Lawyer

Zuzana Stuchlíková, a partner of our law firm Stuchlíková & Partners was repeatedly included in the list of the most important women in Czech law, which is prepared annually by the magazine Právní rádce of the Economia publishing house.

LAW FIT 2020

On 6 November, we participated in the online LAW FIT conference focusing on law in the information technology environment and hosted by the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University in Prague.

What is the Digital Constitution?

The Digital Constitution is introduced by the Act on the Right to Digital Services, promulgated under Act no. 12/2020 Coll., which actively influences public administration towards digitization. In particular, it enshrines the rights of natural and legal persons to communicate with public administration bodies in a digital way and the obligation of these bodies to provide digital services.

Brexit – How to Stay in the Czech Republic as a Briton?

With the arrival of the new year, the transitional period will end and the so-called hard Brexit will occur. For British citizens of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland who have lived in the Czech Republic for a long time as citizens of the European Union and wish to stay here even after the new year, the end of 2020 ends the opportunity to stay in the Czech Republic from 2021 without the need for a visa.

New Reporting Duty for Stock Brokers

In accordance with the amendment to Act no. 256/2004 Coll. (the “Capital Markets Act”), which came into force on 1 May 2020, a new reporting duty arose for stock brokers enshrined in Section 129b of the Capital Markets Act. Pursuant to this provision, stock brokers are obliged to report to the Guarantee Fund information on the amount of customer assets always by 31 January of the given year for the previous calendar year.

Innovation in a Person’s Electronic Identification – BankID

An innovative method for a person’s electronic identification is coming to the digital market with effective from 1 January 2021.